Spiritual Evolution
Spiritual evolution is not just about healing it is about transforming your life and moving forward into a whole new way of being.
There is a difference between healing and transformation, but they both compliment each other.
Healing is looking backwards, bringing up old stuff, finding the cause of our suffering, living out our stories and trying to get life into balance. Healing brings awareness to what can change within us and outside of us. Healing helps us crack open the heart, connect with the soul and re-experience who we are at a core level before we are ready to transform by being who we are in every part of our life.
Transformation takes healing a step further, by finding the causes of our joy, and creating a life that we couldn’t have even imagined before. We can completely transform our life, not just live a good life, but a magnificent one.
Spiritual Evolution is about continual change and reaching heights that we didn’t even know existed before. Our whole life transforms.
There are steps to transforming your life:
Firstly, understanding that you are more than just your physical existence. When you become aware of the spiritual and energetic forces that support and drive your life, then your physical pain and suffering does not become the only part of your life – you see a bigger picture.
The next step is using your intuition and letting go of the rules.
You can become aware of your energetic self, and start opening your heart to all that you are, which helps you see the world and your problems differently. You can accept that you have made every choice in your life, and you can see the perfect synchronicity of how and why your problems and suffering was necessary. When you have an open heart you can let go of blame and realise that your soul chose everything that you have experienced, because it was what you needed to experience in order to learn the truth of who you are.
Once you have opened up your heart you can then feel everything that life has to offer in all its shades, colours and textures. Everything from joy, happiness, ecstasy, pain and sadness – it is all part of the spectrum of feeling as a human being and to deny any of these feelings and experiences is denying who we are in all of our magnificence.
Once you have an awareness of your energetic or spiritual makeup and have an open heart you can connect to your soul. Your soul is the true essence of who you are. Unfortunately as human beings we conform to human life and limitations. We become who we think we are supposed to be based on what everyone around us is doing and thinking. We follow the rules and do the “right” things to follow the process of living based on the collective fears and constraints – we buy into the manipulation, control and power plays that go on in our world and live how we think we are supposed to based on how we are told to live. But once you connect with your soul, you realise that your life is supposed to have no limits or boundaries and you can create any life and any reality that you choose. You realise that it is possible to live without fear and lack and that you don’t actually need suffering to learn and grow as a person.
If you want to open your heart more and connect deeper with your soul, then you could take part in my Soul Writing course. You will then have the tools to ask your soul any question you want and get the answer, right there from within you. This is very empowering because you don’t have to rely on anything outside of you ever again. This course not only teaches you the technique of soul writing but explains the soul, soul connection and how connecting with soul can change your life.
The Soul Writing course includes a meditation which helps you connect with your soul by introducing you to your soul space and the energy and guidance contained within your soul and soul group.
Once we have an open heart, understand that we are energetic beings and have a connection with our soul it is time to know our soul better so that we can start living from soul and as soul in our lives. This involves constant exploration, fun experimentation and a willingness to keep going within layer by layer to uncover more of who we are.
Once you start living from soul it can be tricky. Your head will be telling you one thing and your heart another.
When you know what is possible, then you can live what is possible.
As you transform, so does the world. We are all in this together.
There is a difference between healing and transformation, but they both compliment each other.
Healing is looking backwards, bringing up old stuff, finding the cause of our suffering, living out our stories and trying to get life into balance. Healing brings awareness to what can change within us and outside of us. Healing helps us crack open the heart, connect with the soul and re-experience who we are at a core level before we are ready to transform by being who we are in every part of our life.
Transformation takes healing a step further, by finding the causes of our joy, and creating a life that we couldn’t have even imagined before. We can completely transform our life, not just live a good life, but a magnificent one.
Spiritual Evolution is about continual change and reaching heights that we didn’t even know existed before. Our whole life transforms.
There are steps to transforming your life:
Firstly, understanding that you are more than just your physical existence. When you become aware of the spiritual and energetic forces that support and drive your life, then your physical pain and suffering does not become the only part of your life – you see a bigger picture.
The next step is using your intuition and letting go of the rules.
You can become aware of your energetic self, and start opening your heart to all that you are, which helps you see the world and your problems differently. You can accept that you have made every choice in your life, and you can see the perfect synchronicity of how and why your problems and suffering was necessary. When you have an open heart you can let go of blame and realise that your soul chose everything that you have experienced, because it was what you needed to experience in order to learn the truth of who you are.
Once you have opened up your heart you can then feel everything that life has to offer in all its shades, colours and textures. Everything from joy, happiness, ecstasy, pain and sadness – it is all part of the spectrum of feeling as a human being and to deny any of these feelings and experiences is denying who we are in all of our magnificence.
Once you have an awareness of your energetic or spiritual makeup and have an open heart you can connect to your soul. Your soul is the true essence of who you are. Unfortunately as human beings we conform to human life and limitations. We become who we think we are supposed to be based on what everyone around us is doing and thinking. We follow the rules and do the “right” things to follow the process of living based on the collective fears and constraints – we buy into the manipulation, control and power plays that go on in our world and live how we think we are supposed to based on how we are told to live. But once you connect with your soul, you realise that your life is supposed to have no limits or boundaries and you can create any life and any reality that you choose. You realise that it is possible to live without fear and lack and that you don’t actually need suffering to learn and grow as a person.
If you want to open your heart more and connect deeper with your soul, then you could take part in my Soul Writing course. You will then have the tools to ask your soul any question you want and get the answer, right there from within you. This is very empowering because you don’t have to rely on anything outside of you ever again. This course not only teaches you the technique of soul writing but explains the soul, soul connection and how connecting with soul can change your life.
The Soul Writing course includes a meditation which helps you connect with your soul by introducing you to your soul space and the energy and guidance contained within your soul and soul group.
Once we have an open heart, understand that we are energetic beings and have a connection with our soul it is time to know our soul better so that we can start living from soul and as soul in our lives. This involves constant exploration, fun experimentation and a willingness to keep going within layer by layer to uncover more of who we are.
Once you start living from soul it can be tricky. Your head will be telling you one thing and your heart another.
When you know what is possible, then you can live what is possible.
As you transform, so does the world. We are all in this together.
How I became a Spiritual Evolutionist
The moment my life changed is still etched in my memory. I was sitting in a Reiki level 1 class in 2006 and my teacher read a line from the course manual
“we are spiritual beings having a physical experience”.
In that moment my whole reality flipped. I only knew my life as a physical being who would occasionally have a moment of intuition or synchronicity (a spiritual experience). But to now know myself as a spiritual being who was having a physical experience, well this changed everything.
It gave me a whole new perspective on the pain and suffering I was going through. My chronic fatigue illness wasn’t the “real” me, this was just an experience that I was having while in my physical life. This was the first step in my evolution.
When I no longer blamed circumstance, or other people for my suffering but knew it was my own doing and choosing (the real me, the spiritual me who chose this) then I was ready to evolve one step further.
The next big step was knowing I could receive my own answers and guidance.
When I no longer relied on the outside world to tell me what to do or to guide me, the power came back to me. I could start to develop my own will and make up my own mind about how I felt about my own life and my decisions. Soul Writing was pivotal for me to develop this dialogue with my own inner guidance. It can be difficult to shut out the world and all the shoulds, should nots and accepted “normal” ways of doing things, but going within and totally trusting your own unique path is the only pathway of an evolved human being.
Merging my will with the will of the universe was another huge step. I was not giving my power away to something or someone outside of me but instead aligning with the power that I am made from and made of. My inner guidance then came from this place of universal wisdom, through my soul and into my awareness.
As a spiritual evolutionist I am keenly aware that the human race is changing. It has to change or it will not survive. We can see this as evidence in the way we treat each other in society with terror and death and suffering, and with the greater divide between the rich and the poor and the control that a handful of people have on the whole of humanity.
I can feel how much I have changed and am evidence of the role we can all play in this new world. Yes, we will still be human but we will be a NEW HUMAN who is no longer the human being we are used to.
In order to become a New Human we must let go of all of our humaneness, not pick and choose the bits we want to keep or let go of. This can be scary and unfamiliar but with the will of universe on your side and a strong foundation in knowing who you are, it is possible.
When I initially had glimpses of what it was to be a New Human I gave my first public talk on this topic in 2012. I explained how embodying our unique soul and letting the soul lead us (rather than our ego/mind) would enable us to become a New Human. At this time I could only theorise what the qualities of the New Human would be and share my visions and feelings. Since I first shared my theories and talked about this for the first time I have been experimenting, researching and most importantly evolving myself, so that I can now embody the truth of this process and once again share with you what it means to evolve to become a New Human.
I call myself a Spiritual Evolutionist because I believe I have come far enough to now share my experiences to help inspire you to what is possible for everyone on this planet. At times this may sound like science fiction and so fanciful that you don’t believe it will ever be possible, but once you are introduced to these concept and possibilities then it awakens something inside of you. There is a spark of possibility that ignites and an energy that pulls you forward to evolve and change. Until we can change our realities (or create new realities) then our world will not change.
Evolution is destiny. The human race has been through this before and will again; if we don’t evolve then we become extinct! This fact is ingrained into our primal instincts for survival, so you will know and feel the truth as it is ignited within you when you come across the New Human concepts.
To become a New Human and anchor higher dimensional vibrations into your bodies and use your multi-dimensional awareness to navigate your new life, it will feel like putting on a pair of glasses and seeing the world with whole new eyes, nothing will ever be the same again. Your ego will kick and scream as it realises it is no longer needed to guide you as a 3rd dimensional human through life, and your ego will probably stir up a shit-storm of circumstances in your life to make you question everything and stop the evolution, but this means you are on the right track. If you weren’t changing and evolving, then your life circumstances would stay the same. When things start to change, know they are happening FOR you (not to you). Your inner universe will guide you to evolve when you choose this path. When one person makes an evolutionary vibrational shift then everyone else on this planet benefits. We all evolve together and this makes it easier for everyone, as the process speeds up and our awareness of what is happening grows.
The moment my life changed is still etched in my memory. I was sitting in a Reiki level 1 class in 2006 and my teacher read a line from the course manual
“we are spiritual beings having a physical experience”.
In that moment my whole reality flipped. I only knew my life as a physical being who would occasionally have a moment of intuition or synchronicity (a spiritual experience). But to now know myself as a spiritual being who was having a physical experience, well this changed everything.
It gave me a whole new perspective on the pain and suffering I was going through. My chronic fatigue illness wasn’t the “real” me, this was just an experience that I was having while in my physical life. This was the first step in my evolution.
When I no longer blamed circumstance, or other people for my suffering but knew it was my own doing and choosing (the real me, the spiritual me who chose this) then I was ready to evolve one step further.
The next big step was knowing I could receive my own answers and guidance.
When I no longer relied on the outside world to tell me what to do or to guide me, the power came back to me. I could start to develop my own will and make up my own mind about how I felt about my own life and my decisions. Soul Writing was pivotal for me to develop this dialogue with my own inner guidance. It can be difficult to shut out the world and all the shoulds, should nots and accepted “normal” ways of doing things, but going within and totally trusting your own unique path is the only pathway of an evolved human being.
Merging my will with the will of the universe was another huge step. I was not giving my power away to something or someone outside of me but instead aligning with the power that I am made from and made of. My inner guidance then came from this place of universal wisdom, through my soul and into my awareness.
As a spiritual evolutionist I am keenly aware that the human race is changing. It has to change or it will not survive. We can see this as evidence in the way we treat each other in society with terror and death and suffering, and with the greater divide between the rich and the poor and the control that a handful of people have on the whole of humanity.
I can feel how much I have changed and am evidence of the role we can all play in this new world. Yes, we will still be human but we will be a NEW HUMAN who is no longer the human being we are used to.
In order to become a New Human we must let go of all of our humaneness, not pick and choose the bits we want to keep or let go of. This can be scary and unfamiliar but with the will of universe on your side and a strong foundation in knowing who you are, it is possible.
When I initially had glimpses of what it was to be a New Human I gave my first public talk on this topic in 2012. I explained how embodying our unique soul and letting the soul lead us (rather than our ego/mind) would enable us to become a New Human. At this time I could only theorise what the qualities of the New Human would be and share my visions and feelings. Since I first shared my theories and talked about this for the first time I have been experimenting, researching and most importantly evolving myself, so that I can now embody the truth of this process and once again share with you what it means to evolve to become a New Human.
I call myself a Spiritual Evolutionist because I believe I have come far enough to now share my experiences to help inspire you to what is possible for everyone on this planet. At times this may sound like science fiction and so fanciful that you don’t believe it will ever be possible, but once you are introduced to these concept and possibilities then it awakens something inside of you. There is a spark of possibility that ignites and an energy that pulls you forward to evolve and change. Until we can change our realities (or create new realities) then our world will not change.
Evolution is destiny. The human race has been through this before and will again; if we don’t evolve then we become extinct! This fact is ingrained into our primal instincts for survival, so you will know and feel the truth as it is ignited within you when you come across the New Human concepts.
To become a New Human and anchor higher dimensional vibrations into your bodies and use your multi-dimensional awareness to navigate your new life, it will feel like putting on a pair of glasses and seeing the world with whole new eyes, nothing will ever be the same again. Your ego will kick and scream as it realises it is no longer needed to guide you as a 3rd dimensional human through life, and your ego will probably stir up a shit-storm of circumstances in your life to make you question everything and stop the evolution, but this means you are on the right track. If you weren’t changing and evolving, then your life circumstances would stay the same. When things start to change, know they are happening FOR you (not to you). Your inner universe will guide you to evolve when you choose this path. When one person makes an evolutionary vibrational shift then everyone else on this planet benefits. We all evolve together and this makes it easier for everyone, as the process speeds up and our awareness of what is happening grows.