![]() (If you missed Part 1 of the New Human/Living in the 5th Dimension articles you can read it here.) Physical and emotional pain is different in 5D. It seems to have a reverse effect. Anytime I am now in physical pain I am tempted to revert back to my old ways of trying to “fix” myself (a 3D trait), but this just doesn’t feel right anymore in 5D. The awareness came to me that there was nothing to fix, that this pain was perfectly aligned with who I was and what I was going through. I then embraced the pain or discomfort, got excited when I felt it, loved it – I had a higher awareness of what the pain was doing for me – and then it went away. When I resisted what was happening and saw it as something ‘bad’ or unwanted, then it persisted (and in some cases got louder and more insistent). The last time I wrote about pain being “good for us” I received an onslaught of people unsubscribing from my email newsletter! I can totally understand this, and if you are currently experiencing pain then it must be difficult to read these words. This is my experience, and it has worked for me, so if you are prepared to open up your mindset and tweak your understanding a little, it may just work for you as well. Not only was pain a welcome indicator that something was finally shifting within me but I was able to see the amazing wisdom that my body had. Once I surrendered to this wisdom and just allowed my body to unfold and change and grow and purge as it needed to, then I could feel my awareness and vibration also shift. It has been quite remarkable in fact. This year I could honestly say, that after a few horrendous physical clearings (including 2 months of chronic diahorrea!) and painful physical experiences, that my body is the healthiest and strongest that I can ever remember it being. There is a flow, a trust, a connection between mind, body and soul that I haven’t ever felt before. It is what I have always understood as ‘embodying soul’ but quite literally my body has changed in response to the higher energies that I have allowed in! Allowing these higher energies in, comes with some physical pain and discomfort, this is because our bodies are the densest parts of us. When we allow higher vibrations into our bodies through awareness, then it takes some time for these vibrations to fully filter through our physical bodies, and this can be painful and uncomfortable at times. So when you are experiencing these pains after a vibrational shift, welcome them as signs that you are shifting into the 5th dimension! In 5D there is no right or wrong, good or bad; so anytime something happens that would have been considered negative in 3D, there is now an opportunity to embrace and love what is happening. Somehow the higher mind gives you an overview or bigger picture which filters through as a feeling of everything being just perfect the way it is. I have to say though, that the more I get used to the 5D state of being, the less pain there is. But the funny thing is, in 5D even if there was pain, it wouldn’t matter anyway! Many thoughts and emotions are stored within us. You could see this as being stored in the 4th dimension. We all have thoughts of hatred, anger, jealousy or rage at some stages in our lives and most of us thankfully do not act on these thoughts. But just imagine that once these thoughts have been created, they do not go anywhere unless they are physically expressed. We cannot move to the 5th dimension if we have 4th dimensional baggage weighing us down. So how do we move these thoughts and feelings from our physicality without hurting others? We certainly don’t want to physically go into a rage or yell and shout at someone as this would hurt others. We are spiritually responsible for our own energy which is a good thing, but at the same time we cannot hold these emotions and thoughts within our being and not express them because they weigh us down and hold us back from our evolution. They need to be expressed physically in some way. I found that my months of chronic diahorrea early this year were a way for me to purge anger from my system. It sounds pretty horrible (and I can't believe I am sharing this story!!) but when I realised why it was happening it actually stopped – I think because the moment I brought awareness to the process in an instant my body was able to complete the clearing. Many physical symptoms are a way for us to release those stored energies that we no longer need to carry. E-motions are Energy-in-motion and need to move through us and from us, not be stored within us. If we can see our physical symptoms as doing us a favour it brings a whole new lightness and connection to our physical bodies. While I talk about my body another interesting thing that has changed is my exercise routine. I have never enjoyed exercise much (even though I played sport at a very high level in my younger years) and always felt tight and uncomfortable whenever I exercised. It felt like my body would rebel whenever I tried to exercise. Now I happily (with no guilt) do less exercise but with more awareness and focus - and I am noticing more results! My body shape changes with the minimal amount of time and effort whenever I feel guided to exercise. I feel fitter and stronger although I am doing ‘less’ exercise! This is because I exercise with purpose, intent and focus – communicating with my body what it needs at any particular time. This can take some practice but it feels good! The body has a wisdom of its own and when living as a ‘new human’ it feels like the body, mind and soul are all on the same page. The soul's wisdom becomes the body's wisdom. There is no planning, logic or scheduling of what exercise I ‘should’ be doing – it feels more organic now. I don’t have to think about it, my body just gently communicates what needs to be done and when and then it happens. The 5th dimensional body becomes even more human. We might imagine that through the ascension process we transcend our bodies but I am finding that the opposite is happening. We become more connected to our physicality, and have a greater understanding of our body and why it responds like it does. Instead of leaving our bodies (via thought and distraction and substances) which is common in 3D we are present in our bodies, experiencing all that life has to offer. The soul expresses itself through the physical body as one, and once they are on the same page – the magic happens!
Jenny Adams
14/6/2015 03:28:29 am
Thank you for your inspiration. I read your amazing words today - and they were exactly what I needed to hear!! I now recognise my anger (my physical concerns) and you've helped me to get back on track. Keep up the good work!!
Paula Vanderzon
15/6/2015 04:39:25 am
Thanks for your comment Jenny. I am so glad that my article helped you and you could relate it to your own physical concerns.
16/6/2015 08:23:30 am
Thanks for sharing your wisdom & personal experiences Paula. It's very helpful & interesting.
Paula Vanderzon
16/6/2015 01:11:34 pm
Thanks Penelope. Glad to help.
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AuthorI believe that knowing who we are at our unique soul level holds the key to living an authentic and joyful life. Once we know who we are, we can begin to BE who we are, and then BECOME who we were always destined to be. |