![]() We have lived in a beautiful 130 year old bluestone cottage for 16 years in a quiet tree lined street a short walk to the primary school and close to the city. We have been incredibly happy living in this house. But with the 4 of us and the children’s needs changing we were really outgrowing our house. We had looked for other houses over the years, spoken to builders about renovating but nothing ever seemed to fit or feel right to us. I woke up one morning a few months ago with the urge to organise a house clearing. We had just spoken with an architect and had plans drawn up for a beautiful extension but we were procrastinating again and going around in circles of what was best for us to do. I could see and feel the pattern more clearly and knew I needed help to get out this energy. I contacted Sheila Sutherland and she did the house clearing for us (can totally recommend her services!!). It was intense. I could feel it happening at the scheduled time and when I read her report the next day she was spot on with everything she picked up. We had allowed the energy of the house to essentially hold us captive. Which we ‘needed’ for our journeys, but the time to end this was now. We decided to look at 2 houses which were for sale that weekend. The whole family fell in love with one of the houses and we proceeded to organise finance, make an offer, had it accepted and then unfortunately the bank very unexpectedly changed their mind and wouldn’t let us buy it until we had a sale contract on our house. So we had to reluctantly pull out of the new house contract and very quickly got our house ready for sale (you might have seen the facebook pictures I put up of ladders and chaos as we did some repairs and freshened up the paint). Sheila did another house clearing to help us with the sale of our house. We sold after the first open inspection for a price we were happy with. We went back to the original house which luckily was still for sale, but unfortunately they would not accept our offer this time. We were devastated (especially the children) but there was nothing we could do. We had to move on. So we were faced with the prospect of being homeless, just a few weeks from settlement with nowhere to go! We have 2 small dogs and a cat and couldn’t find a rental property that would take our entire family…. Finally we found one and were about to reluctantly sign for it (it was incredibly expensive) when a chance conversation led to an offer to house sit for 3 months. So that is where we are today. Packing up our house about to move to the otherside of the city to a house just metres from the beach which we get to live in over summer! Sounds great, but there was resistance from all of us at first - it was out of our comfort zone and not where we saw ourselves living - it wasn't in the "plan". I am guessing that the initial resistance means there are going to be some changes and upheavals for us... I have spoken before about how living a soul guided life can challenge, scare and push you to the edges of what you think you can cope with. But our soul has the ability to present to us more than our minds could ever come up with. We could never have suspected that house sitting by the beach would be in our path. And even if we had been given that intuitive message how do you actively go out and find this? Sometimes we just have to surrender to the control of every little step that we think our lives need to go in and just take the step in front of us that we can see, and wait for the next step to unfold. I have a big picture in mind. I know how I want my life to FEEL and I focus on that whenever I get stressed or worried about how to get there. I just let the peace and joy flow through me as I imagine the features and qualities that I love in my surroundings and imagine that in my home. HOW I get there doesn’t really matter. I just follow every lead and explore every opportunity that comes my way. It is not easy sometimes to let go of the control and the planning and there is some of that still needed in day to day life, but we don’t need to micro manage every step of our lives. If we can let go of our expectations and just allow the flow to take over, let things unfold before us, then magic can start to happen and our soul turns up with the suprises.
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AuthorI believe that knowing who we are at our unique soul level holds the key to living an authentic and joyful life. Once we know who we are, we can begin to BE who we are, and then BECOME who we were always destined to be. |